Hi, I want to sell my account because I am quitting online game for good. My main is blade master and below is the info of my account, that will soon to be yours. This BM also has stage 10 infernal pet Screenshot_160814_001.jpg[/URL]Screenshot_160806_018.jpgScreenshot_160814_000.jpg PRice is # and cheap. You give your first offer via Skype: kevin.calagos LET ME KNOW ASAP GUYS! Attached Images http://www.playerup.com/forums/images/styles/playerup/attach/jpg.gif Screenshot_160814_001.jpg (525.8 KB) http://www.playerup.com/forums/images/styles/playerup/attach/jpg.gif Screenshot_160806_018.jpg (512.4 KB) http://www.playerup.com/forums/images/styles/playerup/attach/jpg.gif Screenshot_160814_000.jpg (691.6 KB)