Selling [Selling] Black Desert Services

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by KorimJaw, 8/15/23.

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  1. KorimJaw

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    WTS Black Desert Online Service.

    I'm a personal pilot.

    I accept all requests from grinding {any spots}, gathering, level up, and anything you need i can do {Quests also}.

    The Price:

    Questing: 1.25€/hour.

    Daily work progress report.

    Payment methods: Paypal, Orange cash, Western Union.

    VPN: ExitLag, Express
    8-10 hours daily work.

    Package payment method is available

    900K Trashloots ( 90€ )
    1.8M Trashloots ( 170€ )
    3.5M Trashloots (320€ )

    Hadum Orc:

    840K Trashloots ( 90€ )
    1.7M Trashloots ( 170€ )
    3.4M Trashloots ( 320€ )


    420k Trashloots ( 90€ )
    840k Trashloots ( 170€ )
    1.7M Trashloots ( 320€ )


    720k Trashloots ( 90€ )
    1.4M Trashloots ( 170€ )
    3M Trashloots ( 320€ )

    Star's End:

    360K Trashloots ( 90€ )
    720K Trashloots ( 170€ )
    1.5M Trashloots ( 320€ )


    360k Trashloots ( 90€ )
    720k Trashloots ( 170€ )
    1.4M Trashloots ( 320€ )

    Hadum Bloody Monastery:

    600K Trashloots ( 90€ )
    1.2M Trashloots ( 170€ )
    2.5M Trashloots ( 320€ )

    Hadum Hex:

    480K Trashloots ( 90€ )
    1M Trashloots ( 170€ )
    2M Trashloots ( 320€ )

    Silver Boosting:
    50 Bill Silver = €170
    100 Bill Silver = €320
    20 Bill Silver = €65
    5 Bill Silver= €40
    10 Bill Silver= €35

    Monthly Grind:

    30 Day Grind: (10 hours Daily) = 320€

    Unlimited HP Pot = €175 / Per Piece €60
    Unlimited MP Pot = €175 / Per Piece €60

    Archaeologist's Map Hourly Rate = €1.5
    Lafi Bedmountain's Upgraded Compass Hourly Rate = €1.5

    Negotiation is available

    Servers: EU/NA, MENA

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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