I have a sage memory outfit for wizard and then 4 pets one tier 3 dog and 4 others alts at lvl 56-57... Bezerker,dark knight,ninja,musa. The musa is 57 and the bezerker is close to 57. I have 200million In my bank and 61 fs on wiz and 30 on alt. My gear is little rosty cus all the failed attempts but you will have the fs and the memory fragments in my bank and a little money too. Gyazo - c7cc97fc6fd9e10249b488675d4c3bbc.jpg - Heidal bank aka workers supplies Gyazo - 3ba2b3539128bfac55846669efaf2fc2.jpg - Velia main bank cus awesome reblath armor. Gyazo - 1fd8b2f034750fd610b32e9e605fd0eb.png - My gear https://gyazo.com/3e06327218c158b535b1e553631d1584- My main alt and other alts I have Steam Community :: Hany Boktor Any questions add me on steam and I dont have black desert on steam
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