Selling Selling BG Account, one of the top accounts in the server.

Discussion in 'Lost Saga Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xtfl77dbejj, 7/14/16.

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  1. xtfl77dbejj

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    For North American (NA) Lost Saga

    I'm selling my BG account. It was MG and rank #8 at one point about a year ago, and has always been one of the most jacked accounts in the server.

    Over 60 perm heroes and around 100 perm gears, lots of +26s and a +27, lots of meta gears for both mains and mules. +100 stats on meta gears; 2015 Santa armor, Magnetic helmet, and +150 Poison jug. A level 100 hero, built mains, many good medals. Will be willing to show account via Skype if needed.

    Send me offers through Skype if interested.
    Skype: mynameshouldbevladimir

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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