Selling Selling Beta Account, Lvl 146, God Pack, More info inside

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by PapaJon387, 11/28/17.

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  1. PapaJon387

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    Beta account, created on 8th October 2012.
    God Pack Purchased
    291 Skins
    42 Ward Skins
    74 Player Icons
    13 Diamond Gods
    12 Loading Frames
    11 Announcer Packs

    Looking for around $350, but can be negotiated.

    If you want any additional info on skins/misc then let me know, more than happy to supply screenshots.

    I will list the notable skins. i.e Limited/Exclusive, feel free to message me if you want to know about specific skins/Icons.
    Screenshots can be provided if necessary.

    Skins -

    Agni - Curse Agni, Infernal,
    AMC - Solid Hornet
    Ah Puch - Galactic Invader, Nutcromancer
    Anhur - Fnatic, Shadow
    Anubis - Convention 2016, Adjudicator
    Ao Kuang - Dragon Knight
    Aphrodite - Beach babe
    Apollo - Team Solomid, Curse Voice, Vicious
    Ares - Fernando, SWC 2015
    Artemis - Stalker, Primal Huntress
    Athena - Liberte, Enforcer
    Awilix - Renegade, Paradigm
    Bacchus - Father Chrishmash, The King, Enemy, Hoot'n Holler
    Bakasura - Feaster Bunny, Rage
    Bastet - Epsilon, Crimson Ops
    Bellona - Furiona, SWC 2016
    Cabrakan - Nerd Rage
    Chaac - Einherjar
    Chang'e - Moonlight Love, Lunar Tango
    Chiron - Constable Moosejaw
    Chronos - Super Chronos 64
    Cupid - Lucky Baby Fuwa
    Fafnir - Griffindwarf
    Fenrir - Wreck The Halls, Lord Slashington III
    Freya - Pixel Buster Freya
    Guan Yu - Convention 2014
    He Bo - Infinity Wave, The Sydney Shredder
    Hel - Jingle Hel
    Hercules - Derpules, La Roca, Hunkules, Retrocles, Vanguard
    Hou Yi - Iron Crow
    Isis - Denial, Shadow
    Janus - Ba5s Drop
    Kali - Trophy Hunter, Skaliwag, Valkalli
    Kukulan - Kuku, Void Wyrm
    Loki - White Death
    Medusa - Idusa
    Mercury - RUN.EXE (S1 Odyssey), Prizefighter, Envyus
    Neith - Buccaneith, Carnaval Queen, Eager
    Nemesis - Silent Blade, Executioner
    Nike - Conqueror
    Nu Wa - Nice And Naughty, Water Dancer, Nu Horizons, Aurum
    Odin - Worlds Collide
    Osiris - Frankenhotep, The Re-Animated
    Ra - Alienware, Ra'Merica, Sunstar
    Rama - Orbital Strike, Dignitas
    Ratatoskr - Ragnatoskr
    Scylla - Lil' Red, Child's Play
    Serqet - Dread Queen, Ebonsoul
    Sobek - Crikeydile
    Sun Wukong - Sun Wu Xing
    Susano - Swashbuckler
    Sylvanus - Season's Spirit, Bob Ross
    Thanatos - Jack The Reaper, Archon (Odyssey)
    Tyr - Convention 2015
    Ullr - Dragonsbane, Berserker
    Vamana - Cangaceiro
    Xbalanque - Jaguar Football, SPL 2015 (EU & NA)
    Xing Tian - Iron Tyrant
    Ymir - Nuclear Winter, Cacodemon
    Zeus - SWC 2016
    Zhong Kui - Demon Catcher
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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