Sold [Selling] Best price on Owned Core| Exalted orbs ---->> Breach SC <<---- Power Lvling service|

Discussion in 'Path of Exile Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by tu0ngth3n4o, 1/11/17.

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  1. tu0ngth3n4o

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    Welcome to my shop fellow exiles.
    I have been selling currency on other website but this is my first time being here in playerup.
    This is my feedback in (cool site but too much fee)

    I'm selling currency in Breach SC league
    Exalt: 1.2$/each
    Chaos: ask me in skype
    Current stock for sale: 80 exalts


    Payment method: Paypal only.

    Since i'm new here so i will be also offering bonuses if you buy in high volume. We can do trade in parts as your request. Just pm me in skype to discuss and chill :D

    Power leveling service:
    - Customized service: you name the job, we get it done (leveling, farming achievement, any level, any passive tree)
    - Cheap price: good luck finding a cheaper leveling service :D. We just love playing path of exile.
    - Time completion: we have a guild full of hardcore gamers. Orders such as leveling to 70 may only take 10 to the maximum of 1 day to finish.

    If you have any questions, feel free to comment below or pm me via skype (fastest way)
    My skype ID is flame144. The avatar is the same as my website avatar.

    :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
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