Selling Selling Best price on market. TOP500 player. Up to 4000. 50% discounts. EU/NA

Discussion in 'Overwatch Boosting for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by alagonder, 7/29/17.

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  1. alagonder

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    Hello everyone. I'm top500 player season4 and now back in overwatch to boost some people ;)
    Since i'm new here. want to offer you 50% Discounts for 5 new orders.

    Past week i finished ~7 orders from 2000-4000, So can prove you with few screenshots, my main, my twink 4k+ and finished boosts.
    No cheats, no toxicy in game..
    Just to let you know about account security. if you are first owner, it's impossible to steal your account, so dont worry about any of this kinda stuff.
    Will boost EU PC only for now, or a little lower rating for NA region cause of Ms delay.
    I'm located in Latvia, 26 years old. playing since season3 , feel free to ask me anything, online 10h+ every day, will give you advices in overwatch if needed.
    Can stream the process if you want.

    50% # for first 5 orders. (1-3500)
    Boost in 24hours or FOR FREE.
    (not more than +1000rating at once)

    Skype: hivell (displays as Maugrim name)
    Discord: alagonder#1282

    Payment methods: PayPal / Skrill / Webmoney

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