Sold Selling Best JP starter accounts around. 4 to 6 rainbows!

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hotjujube, 12/5/16.

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  1. Hotjujube

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    Account 1 (6 rainbows): Rank 10 - $250

    5*: 2x Dark Veritas, Fire Veritas, Delita, Gilgamesh, Tidus
    4*: 3x WoL, 3x Chizuru, Gafgarion, 2x Agrias, Maid, 2x Rikku, Soze Emperor, 3x Earth Veritas, Refia, Snow and others
    3*: 3 Zidane, 4x Cecil, Garland, 2x CoD, Bartz, Firion, 2x Ludmille, 2x Abel and Mizuri and others
    Misc: 100 slots unit slots, 4k lapis and 4x5% gold trust mogs.

    Account 2 (6 rainbows): Rank 2 - $200

    5*: Dark Majin Fina, Luneth, Emperor, Ace, Forren and Balthier

    4*: WoL, 2x Rikku, Gafgarion, Snow, Refia, Mercedes, Ruruka, Leonhart, Soze Emperor, Maid, Mech Girl, Werai, 2x Meliadoul, 2x Aria and more.
    3*: Cecil, Exdeath, Terra, Firion, Abel and Mizuri and others.
    Misc: 100 slots, 5.3k Lapis and 15x King Cactuar (100k exp per).

    Account 3 (4 Rainbows): Rank 4 - $150

    5*: 2x Orlandu, Bikini Majin Fina, Emperor
    4*: 2x WoL, 2x Chizuru, 2x Rikku, Gafgarion, Ruruka, 2x Soze Emperor, Mech Girl, Setzer, 4x Maids, Werai, 2x Earth Veritas and more.
    3*: 6x Cecils, Bartz, Zidane, 2x Firion, 2x Exdeath, 2x Ludmile, 2x Abel and more.
    Misc: 180 unit slots, 4100 lapis, 35x King Cactuar (100k exp each), 10x Gigantuars (30k exp each), 2x 10% trust mog, and 2x 5% trust mog. Total of 30%.

    Paypal gift only. Thank you for your time.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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