Sold Selling Behemoth (NA) - All 60s max gear - Rank 8 FC + Mansion - Rank 13 Veteran

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by dfe443, 5/25/17.

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  1. dfe443

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    Account Information:

    ♦ I am the original owner of this account

    ♦ Account is free from cheats, hacks, bots, etc.

    ♦ This account was created on September 24th, 2013.

    ♦ It is a rank 13 Veteran account.

    ♦ Character is on the Behemoth (NA) server.

    ♦ As of 25/5/2017 there are 132 subscription days remaining.

    ♦ Purchase includes a free 60 day time card code to use at your leisure.

    ♦ Collector's Edition A Realm Reborn and Heavensward licence

    ♦ Early Access Stormblood licence applied

    ♦ One paid extra retainer

    Character Information:

    ♦ All classes level 60

    ♦ All DoM and DoW classes ilvl270

    ♦ All DoH and DoL classes ilvl190 (BiS)

    ♦ Two fully completed Relics for Dragoon and Scholar

    ♦ All Heavensward Beastribes are Rank 9 (Allied)

    ♦ Includes rare mounts (Archon Throne, Firebird, A12S, A4S, etc)

    ♦ Three retainers with crafting/glamour items (60 Paladin, 60 Botonist, 60 Miner)

    ♦ Hundreds of ventures and Diadem spoils

    ♦ Far Eastern Amazon promotion items

    ♦ 105+ titles

    ♦ 6,075 achievement points

    ♦ 2843 player commendations


    ♦ Ownership of Rank 8 Free Company with 1.9 million company credits and 4 max rank Airships

    ♦ Company chest full of goodies

    ♦ Moogle Mansion in Mist

    ♦ Chocobo companion Rank 15

    ♦ Account includes an alternate character, level 60 bard (ilvl266) caught up in story and ready for Stormblood

    More information provided in the album below:

    Additional information available upon request

    Price is $850 OBO
    Pay directly via PayPal or provide Middle Man services
    Discord is Carion#5049
    Skype is tlsjepply

    *Disclaimer: currencies, ranks, numbers, etc will go up. I am still playing on the account until sold, up to Stormblood early access (June 16) after which the account will no longer be available.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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