Selling BD Sever Recover Your Original Simplicity . combo taichi ghost shadow

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tartarus, 10/6/16.

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  1. Tartarus

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    Chaotic Yuan 86/86 top 13 of rank world
    Blood blade 31/36
    Sunset skill 51/ 52
    Purple Soul 47/59
    Heavenly Demon Secret Script 26/ 59

    WV INNER ;
    1st 36/36
    2nd 36/36
    3rd 36/36
    4th 49/49
    5th 36/36
    6th 36/36

    All class c6 Jade Taichi
    +1 C6 Jade Bracer for 20% Ancient Taichi Rage
    2 Rings C6 Jade for rage effect
    2 Rings C5 Jade for crit effect

    6x 180 (except emei 144, dont use that meridian)
    MT HUA SECT meridian 144/144
    Nianlou 36/36
    WV 216/ 216

    Jade Chef C6 Twin Sword BattleField
    Jade Flute chef C6 all dmg
    jade BS sword C6 30% rage 4th WV
    Jade BS Twin Blades C6 20% Yanyang Twin Blades , Gentle Breeze Over the Jade Pedestal
    jade BS Blade C5 20% Winds of Fury , Winds Bending the Branches
    jade BS Twin Dagger C6 20 Perish stab , Viper Flicks Tongue

    Weapon Manuals:
    Bare Hand : 393/600
    Twin Sword : 230/256
    Sword : 1000/1000
    Blade : 512/512
    Double Blade : 512/512
    Double Stings : 512/512
    Hideen weapon ; 512/512

    stuff ;
    2363 Five Aggregates Anh Demon - Subding item
    1441 Pure Yang Sword
    23 Battle Master Certificate (6)
    934 Shura Double pill
    411 shura 30% pill
    1500 Advanced Repairing Tool
    531 Xiaosheng's Weapon Manual ( Superior )
    31 Monthly Sign-in Gift
    1996 Reward the Righteous and Punish Evil Order
    296 Certificate wv
    7 Xuan icy Green Fire Wine
    1 Colored Dyes

    Skill Sets :

    Ancient Tai chi fist: Full combo + plume (Rage lvl 6)

    Ghost Shadow Sword : Full combo ( No parry buff) with rage lvl 6

    1 skill copy finger ancient

    3 skill dragon claw ancient rage lvl 6

    Buddha Palm - LVL 10 except rage lvl6

    Curled Branch - Already opened to Lvl 10

    Yuan Yang Twin Blade - Spin opened to 10

    Nine Palaces Sword lvl 6 ( rage lvl 8 . Two and Four Shouders lvl 10 )

    Perish Blade lvl 11

    Sura blade lvl 6

    Dragon's confusoin lvl6

    Snow Sword lvl 3 to 6 rage lvl 4

    Martial Saint staff skill

    Tempest staff lvl6

    cross chasing stick

    roofless set skill lvl 10

    Mt hua set skill lvl 10

    Nianlou set skill lvl 10

    Eight Lotus lvl 6

    Demon Soul Chasing Blade open lvl 4

    FH - lvl 3
    CCTM - lvl 4
    Far and removed - TWA lvl 4
    Disguise lvl 3
    turn weapon around lvl 5


    Lore Gold Greats Greats sheath
    pegassus set
    lore Lovebirds Butterfly Scabbard

    Lore Horse ;
    Black Narcissus

    lore outfix
    Hidden Pattem Shirt-yan
    Red Finch Mink Fur - White
    Purple Coud Robe
    Ghost Face Asure Costume
    Dragon Scale clothes

    lore Pet;
    white condor

    House lvl 3 at louyang top 17 of rank

    LOOK FOR 1100 USD

    if u need more info. Thanks !!

    - - - Updated - - -

    sell more 40 copy fragment 9$ each
    7 taichi ancient 14$ each
    6 join finger 15 $ each
    20D 14$ D
    3 Blood Sea Demon Ancient 25$ each
    23 black jade powder 3.5$ each
    6 Ghost shadow 9 $ each

    - - - Updated - - -

    sell more
    taichi ancient 14$ each
    join finger ancient 14 $ each
    ghost shadow 9 $ each
    copy fragment 8 each
    20D TEALS 14$ per D
    Black jade powder 4$ each

    - - - Updated - - -

    sell more
    taichi ancient 14$ each
    join finger ancient 14 $ each
    ghost shadow 9 $ each
    copy fragment 8 each
    20D TEALS 14$ per D
    Black jade powder 4$ each

    - - - Updated - - -

    sell more 40 copy fragment 9$ each
    7 taichi ancient 14$ each
    6 join finger 15 $ each
    20D 14$ D
    3 Blood Sea Demon Ancient 25$ each
    23 black jade powder 3.5$ each
    6 Ghost shadow 9 $ each

    - - - Updated - - -

    sell more 40 copy fragment 9$ each
    7 taichi ancient 14$ each
    6 join finger 15 $ each
    20D 14$ D
    3 Blood Sea Demon Ancient 25$ each
    23 black jade powder 3.5$ each
    6 Ghost shadow 9 $ each
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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