Selling BD server KYOC female character with ancient set. full level 10 set etc...

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by zmiyumi, 10/3/16.

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  1. zmiyumi

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    75 Purple Rosy(pvp)
    19/46 Chaotic
    1/9 taoist

    49 WV 4th inner(pve)
    36/37 wv 6th inner(pve, have enough cert to go to 49)

    Weapon and gear
    Full Jade class 6 set TaiChi attribute(roll full max stats for rosy inner, max brawn stamina and spirit)
    Chef flute C6 with 5 row of damage max
    Chef double sword damage roll
    BS double dagger with phantom dagger skill
    30% Ancient Open Tai chi bracer

    1 set of external crit damage and reduce damage with crit rate
    1 set internal crit damage and reduce crit damage with HP

    All internal meridian required to 180 except emei 144/144(WV meridian at 188/216)
    Tangmen merd and its reverse 180
    Schoolar reverse at 9/9(but 2nd inner of Mthua open to 49 just need to cult)
    Wudang reverse at 180/180
    Emei reverse (2nd inner open to 36 and have enough cert to open to 54 once you come back to Holy water palace)
    Jianghu meridian all 45/45

    Weapon manual
    Bare hands 400
    Single Sword 454
    Double dagger: 347
    Double sword: max limit 512/512 need to open to cult more…

    Ancient Set
    Tai Chi combo with lvl 6 rage
    Ta Chi fist ancient shield
    Spirit step level 3
    Other useful school skill and 99 set
    Nine Palace sword
    Phantom Twin Dagger full 6/10
    Buddha Heart palm: full level 10 except rage 4
    Curled Branch Blade full level 10
    Pegasus Flying In The Sky lvl 4
    Circle The Moon Three Times lvl 4
    Perish blade level 11
    Far and Remove level 4
    Eight lotus breaking
    MtHua(Stranger) first set full level 10
    Full PBI set level 8
    Flying cloud set
    Lethal 13 sword level 8
    Seductive stare sword level 6
    Martial Saint Staff
    Crazed Demon set
    Flying Skill:
    Full flying skill with double and triple jump max level 5
    5+ Arrays with pbi array

    9 Cloth Lore(with some limited time only lore)
    2 Sword, double sword, and Twin Dagger 3 Star Weapon Lore
    Dagger 2 star lore(fan)
    A cape(mantle)
    A Waist accessory
    10% ancient Tai chi rage annotation book
    10% Curle Branch sword rage annotation book
    Budda heart palm annotation books, and a lot more usefull set book
    Breah brawn switcher
    Stamina-Breath switcher
    Brawn Dex switcher
    Brawn Spirit switcher
    1500+ Pure Yang Sword
    2000+ Five demon books
    And a lot of material, buff pills and stuff that too lazy to list...
    Herbalist level 10
    Craftman level 8+
    All other jobs such as hunter, miner etc all level 6+
    Musican level 9 with max point
    Offer and contact me if you need anything..
    Price I looking for is 400+
    Red bird
    Mengmeng Horse
    Foxie Ali

    Greendot MoneyPak card
    Western Union
    Bank transfer

    all the above will get transfer email once receive payment and verified it valid
    If you do PayPal then there will be 45days wait time before transfer the email because I heard many scammer with paypal thingie
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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