Sold Selling BD-KYOC-JF10-100Trans

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by seiryu1, 9/25/17.

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  1. seiryu1

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    Meridians And Inners
    Yang merid Unlocked 180/180

    Everythangggg 180, rg 216, bbc 216, tangmen 216, nianluo 216

    Jianghu inners- Toaist 75, toad 75, sunset 75.


    Joined Finger- rage 10(30%), charge 6, rest 3.

    Dog Beating Staff- Charges 8, rest 3-6.( Have 15 ADBS FRAGS)

    100 Trans- 3

    Blood Demon Sea- Pull and Rage 3

    Tai Chi- Full combo level 3, rage level 6(40% rage)

    Weapon Manuals:

    Barehand 1000/1000
    QStaff 1000/1000
    Blade 1000/1000
    Hidden Weapon 1000/100

    HAVE 51 Honeysuckle, 28 Jiaohua chicken, Korean Jinseng and much more.

    GEAR: MIX C7-C6 jade gear- have the larva cloak buff

    -3 Page of outfit and weapon Lores, has white HORSE LORE.
    -Has a Bunch of Cash sets and Weird Sets(pm me if u wanna know) including the two most important CASH SET YYTB and 9P
    -Main school is RG has 40% claw Spin and 4th set at 8-10(has a full sets of internal treasure that has 4th set on reroll).
    -Dice Sets are at level 8-10(not level up yet).
    -c6 jade Full sets and effects on Battlefield equipment(gears and weapons)
    -Full treasures of internal treasure with 2-3% ext critz hit rate

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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