Selling Selling Battlerite account Molten Warhound & Demonic Steed & Razer Warhound - 3k+ MMR

Discussion in 'Battlerite Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by negao, 12/5/16.

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  1. negao

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    Founder Battlerite account with Molten Warhound & Demonic Steed & Razer Warhound. It grants full access to the game and you get all current and future champions.

    - Grade 11
    - 3k ++ MMR
    - Good statistics/win rate
    - 2000 Battlecoins (used to unlock chests and future itens and services)
    - 1000 tokens (Currency used to unlock Cosmetic itens)
    - 36 unopened silver chest (3 random itens - guarantees at least 1 RARE)
    - 3 unopened gold chest (3 random itens - guarantees at least 1 EPIC)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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