Selling Battlenet acount, it has almost all the games witchout overwatch. The price is 40-45 euro (i can negociate if needed) paypal/skrill Skype: [email protected] 1. World Of Warcraft: It has all the expansions including legion. 1 Blood Elf Frost Mage LvL 110 and 859 Ilvl/1 Lvl 100 Windwalker Monk Pandaren 665 Ilvl. The acount dosent have any gametime left. 2. Starcraft II: All the expansions (WoL/Hots/Lotv). Platinum mrr on all factions. 3. Diablo 3 III:Has diablo 3 & reaper of souls, only 1 character on seasonal. 4. Hearthstone: Almost all cards on druid. 5. Heroes of the storm: Nothing special, all the assasin champs, few mounts. 6. Warcraft III Reichn Of Chaos + Frozen Throne