This account has: - 2 WoW licenses - vanilla and Legion. I haven't really played WoW, the accounts are basically fresh. - Diablo 3 RoS - Not much on here, just a L70 DH with 250+ paragon. haven't played much since season 4. - StarCraft II HotS. Only played part of campaign mode, so you can start a new ranked smurf or whatever. - Hearthstone. I didn't play much, just bought a lot of cards in attempt to get some legendaries - because I love to gamble. - Heroes of the Storm: I played this game from beta, have almost all heroes and a TON of skins. - Overwatch: Purchased on release date, but didn't really start playing on PC until a few months ago. Around level 200 with 2000+ coin and a good amount of skins. Ranked gold (2200), only played some placement matches. I've had this account since 2008 and am the original owner. Willing to sell this for $60. Accepting bitcoin (BTC), ethereum (ETH), or Venmo. I do not use PayPal. PM me if interested. Do NOT leave your Skype username in the thread, scammers will message you.