Selling BattleNet Account with all games! Including WoW Legion a must see! (EU)

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Falcon1, 3/12/17.

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  1. Falcon1

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    Selling epic BattleNet Account!
    I am the original owner of this account. I have to sell it, as i sadly don't time to use it anymore.

    Diablo III
    Starcraft + Heart of the Swarm expansion
    Heroes of the Storm
    World of Warcraft LEGION

    Warcraft Account details:
    Hardcore account! Been playing pretty much since Vanilla!
    The following characters are on the account:
    Level 110 Death Knight (Ilvl 900) 4 Legendaries.
    level 110 Mage (Ilvl 880) 2 Legendaries (BIS)
    Level 110 Druid (Ilvl 870) 1 Legendary
    Level 110 Warrior (Ilvl 867) 1 Legendary
    Level 110 Hunter (Ilvl 834)
    Also includes; Level 100 Priest (WITH BENEDICTION!) Level 100 Rogue and a level 100 Paladin.

    Mounts and Achievements:
    Mounts: Quite a few good one! Including Invincible, Netherdrake, Smoldering Ember Wyrm, Arcanist's Manasaber; Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher etc!

    Achievements: 2.2K Arena 3v3, 2K Rated Battleground, Of the Alliance/Horde.
    Cutting the Edge; Xavius, Ahead of the Curve; Helya, Ahead of the Curve; Gul'dan. Mythic Skorpyron, Mythic Chronomatic Anomaly and Mythic Trilliax!


    Any further question feel free to add me on skype ID; Anakin112
    We can have a chat about the account!
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