Selling Battlenet account w/ Legendary Overwatch account and Hearthstone(Value $1000+)

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by tao9871, 2/18/17.

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  1. tao9871

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    So I'm selling my Battlenet account. Bought the Overwatch Origins edition since it came out so you have all those skins and I've collected All event skins Christmas 2016 and before that.

    Brief Summary
    Legendaries: Each Character has 1-5 (Event skins included)
    Unlocked items: Each Character has around 30-60 Total Unlocked items
    S1 Rank: 50~
    S2 Rank: 3k
    S3 Rank: 3.3k
    S4 Rank: Not sure if there is one, but if there is, means I'm unranked as of now
    Total Hours Played: 500~

    Skype me for more details: chicken.feet9871

    Important Note:

    This is an entire account. It also comes with Hearthstone that has been owned since its release and contains ALL BUT ONE Solo Adventures. There are 3-5 Playable High Cost decks that have been crafted and copied from Professional Hearthstone players. Climbing to legend literally just takes time but I haven't got that.
    Heaps of Legendaries and Up to date meta decks.

    (Total 20-30 Meta Legendaries) w/ 6 Ready to go Meta Decks

    Again, PM me for Card details and screenshots.

    Also have a Guild Wars 2 account available. I think it has 2 legendaries (Eternity and some other one) and a bunch of Shop skins unlocked as well as 1-3 80+
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