Selling (WOW, Hearthstone, overwatch hots) (EU)

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by vacation24, 1/5/17.

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  1. vacation24

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    Account age: 8-10 years
    Games: Wow (Legion and NA) however the NA is starter so its pretty much useless but there is still some characters
    Wow: been playing since 2008.
    Characters: DK (Main spec frost) lvl 110 ilvl 547
    mage (main spec fire but frost is also equal) lvl 110 ilvl 821 (frost- 823)
    warrior (main spec fury) lvl 103
    paladin (main spec ret) lvl 100
    monk (main spec ww) lvl 100
    demon hunter (any spec) lvl 100
    druid (main spec balance) lvl 100
    then some 20 twinks and other levels that haven't been fully level`d
    how much gold is in the account: 115k to be exact and the materials on my characters equal to another 25-40k so around 130-150k gold on my account
    all my characters are alliance but i do have other characters on other realms like a lvl 91 orc hunter and lvl 60 tauren dk. i was a fan of alliance for 8 years so i didn't bother leveling horde to max as i was not interested
    have all heirlooms for warrior, paladin, monk (but not the staff), warlock (not the off hand book), mage, shaman, hunter, dk, demon hunter, druid, rogue and hunter (im only missing the hunters helm and chest), dont have the ring and some trinkets such as the versatility and mastery.
    have the heirloom mount (allows you to mount up at lvl 1+)
    characters can fly in pandaria and other (cant fly in draenor)
    completed the 25 man heroic ICC achievement for mount (not a big mount collector, was more of a transmog, gold farming and raiding type of person) still have decent mounts. level 3 garrison for my dk, mage, warrior and paladin.
    will come with 1 month game time.
    if you want to know more about the wow game account please message me i am willing to answer or add me on steam if you have so we can chat about the account) (MSG me your steam name so i can add you, dont want to put my steam id in this description so i dont get trolled.

    Hearthstone: i am not a huge collector so ive only bought and completed the 2 adventures (kharazan and league of explorers. still have all legendaries from the adventures but Sgt Finley.

    i have all cards from these adventures and some good gadgetzan cards such as dirty rat and etc.
    any questions about the hearthstone game account please msg me

    i have also got Overwatch, i have spent sometime on this game so im level 50+ have got a skin for each character, dont have images because eBay wont allow me to place anymore so i have road hogs legendary skin from Halloween, and pretty much rare skins for each character. pls msg me if you want to know more about the overwatch game account.

    ive also put some time into heroes of the storm but i havent put enough where its valuable.

    this account is eu
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