Selling account d3 * ros*, sc *lov*, wow *wod*, hots, hearthstone

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Thatmann00b, 1/1/17.

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  1. Thatmann00b

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    wanting to see about selling my bnet account never actually sold an account so lets see how this goes lol test waters on a bnet account with it had overwatch origins but I forgot to close AHK after playing ARK and got it banned.

    Diablo 3 *Ros* Digital Deluxe Has SC wings and Mercy
    SC 2 *LoV* Digital Deluxe
    WoW *WoD*
    WC Frozen throne and WC reign of Chaos
    Most time on this account was spent playing HoTS account is Level 40 and has almost all heroes unlocked and a lot of skins for heroes as well as rag and his lil rag skin.
    if your interested in the account and want to make me an offer msg me on skype for more info or leave a comment and ill answer.

    Skype: n00b.samurai
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