Selling my account with over 5000 grimoire. 396 hunter 388 warlock 388 Titan Have almost full hunter gear/spliced gear from wotm norm and hard. Have all weapons from raid including steel medulla, ex machina, quantiplasm, chaos dogma.. etc. Have outbreak prime as well as all other quest exotics. Thorn, spindle, chaperone, all exotic swords, gjallarhorn, first curse. Speaking of exotics I have all year one and year two exotic prints in kiosk. This account has been flawless many of times and have emblems from each year to prove it. Even the year one exotic emblem. There are also weapons and armor from trials year one and two including doctrine of passing and exiles student. I have various legendaries with awesome rolls including rifled barrel eyasluna, grasp of Malok with head seeker perfect balance, imago loop with firefly triple tap suresight and rifled barrel... plus many many more like but not forgotten and saladins vigil with awesome rolls. ROI achievements are almost fulfilled only need one last artifact. There are many rare emblems and shaders available, with tons of awesome ships including factions, hard mode ships, and sparrows. If interested please email me at I can send pictures and what not. If you'd like to check out my profile the name is: Moonloaf on PS4. Looking forward to hearing from you!