Sold Selling Awesome global Lvl 54 7K! 4600++

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Umaros, 11/21/16.

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  1. Umaros

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    Hiya! It's been a fun ride while it lasted playing 7K. Now I am moving on>_<)/ Account is level 54 with some goodies if you read below *^*)

    Special Heroes (7k & 4L)

    Ace (40)
    Dellons (40)
    Rin (36)
    Wukong (36)
    Rudy (34)
    Eileene (34)
    Jave (34)
    Lu Bu (34)
    Spike (32)+4*
    Karma (32)+4*
    Kris (30)+4*
    Rachel (30)


    Evan (40)
    Shane (40)
    Giparang (40)
    Lina (40)
    Velika (40)
    Nia (40)
    Ming Ming (38)
    Sieg (38)
    Espada (38)
    May (36)
    Yu shin (36)
    Bai Jiao (34)
    Jupy (34)

    Have all seven Noho's. Six are still in 4* and one 5*.

    Have all GW costumes as well as Ethereal for the 7k.

    All masteries acquired.
    Most formations maxed.

    Account is sitting at 1,550 rubies and 420 topaz. I recently bought May's Lucky Box so there will be more when if and when the account is sold. Chest rank is halfway to S rank.

    Account is linked to Facebook. so when it is bought I will give you Facebook. name and password. If you feel uncomfortable then feel free to get a middle man. Pm me or post your offfers. Accepting Paypal (family and friend).
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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