Sold Selling Available accounts now are 137, 130, 123, 110, and 76 laffers. All VERY CHEAP.

Discussion in 'Toontown Rewritten Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gevoh, 9/26/17.

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  1. Gevoh

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    I now only have a 137, a 130, a 123, a, a 110, and a 76 laffer. SELLING FOR CHEAP XBOX CODES.

    137 laffer - One $50 Xbox code. This is probably the best deal
    130 laffer - A $50 code.
    123 laffer - A $50 code.
    110 laffer - Just a $50 code.
    76 laffer - A $25 code.

    You can purchase these codes on amazon or most other sites with instant delivery. I will of course provide all the details on each toon you are interested in as well as meet in game. EACH ACCOUNT COMES WITH EMAIL. I believe these prices are pretty reasonable, and the only reason I'm charging Xbox codes instead is because I'm quitting TTR and buying an Xbox One. I do have a few vouches from people I've sold to in the past week and month.

    Skype: andrew610191
    Discord: Lifted#4994
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