Sold Selling ASURA Job Point Powerleveling

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Avantbrennen, 12/19/17.

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  1. Avantbrennen

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    ~ASURA Job Point Powerleveling Services~

    Selling job point powerleveling services on Asura. Done by hand!

    ~ 0-2100JP $150.00 USD ~

    This is a bulk price! Custom ordered Job Points are #. Conditions for Leveling are as follows:

    *Must have Rhapsody of Vana'diel Storyline Completed
    *25% Capacity Bonus Aptitude Mantle or higher
    *Must be available to dump job points at certain intervals. This is to ensure that leveling is complete in the least amount of time. The intervals are as follows:

    5 Job Points spent: +5%
    25 Job Points spent: +7%
    55 Job Points spent: +9%
    95 Job Points spent: +11% dump point 95
    145 Job Points spent: +13%
    205 Job Points spent: +15% dump point 110
    275 Job Points spent: +17%
    355 Job Points spent: +19% dump point 150
    445 Job Points spent: +21% dump point 90
    545 Job Points spent: +23% dump point 100
    655 Job Points spent: +25% dump point 110
    775 Job Points spent: +27% dump point 120
    905 Job Points spent: +29% dump point 130
    1045 Job Points spent: +31% dump point 140
    1195 Job Points spent: +33% dump point 150
    1355 Job Points spent: +35% dump point 160
    at this point, you dump points at 500JP, then again 245JP.

    Paypal preferred method of payment

    add me on skype wright06
    or PM here
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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