Selling Asia Lv60 account arena 4.9k

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kakali, 9/4/16.

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  1. kakali

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    Able to reach 4.9k in arena

    1.5m gold
    400 ruby
    50 topaz

    Max masteries
    Formation maxed except basic formation

    40 Eileen (Gold) 2x 27% Speed
    40 Jave (Gold)
    38 Dellons (Gold) 2x 27% Speed
    30 Rudy (Gold)
    30 Rachel (Gold) 4 Star Rachel x1
    4 Star Kris

    38 Ace (Gold) 2x 27% Speed
    36 Wk (Gold) x2 27% Speed
    32 Lubu (Gold)

    Old 4L
    32 Teo (Gold) 2x 28% Speed awakaned raid weapon

    Normal Unit
    40 Giparang (Gold) 2x 27% Speed
    40 Black Rose (Gold) 2x 27% Speed
    40 Yushin (Gold) x2 27% Speed
    40 Shane (Gold)
    40 Velika (Gold)
    40 Lina (Gold)
    40 Sieg (Gold)
    38 MingMing (Gold) x2 27% Speed
    36 DaQiao (Gold) x2 27% Speed
    36 Daisy
    36 Espada (Gold)
    34 Bidam (Gold)
    34 Jupy (Gold)
    34 Nia
    34 Victoria
    32 LeeJung
    32 May
    32 Karon (Gold)
    2 Finas

    Got x8 27% Magic Weapon in Inventory

    Pm me Here or on Line.Line Id:jjtan92
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. gzkerry

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    Unverified Member

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    Likes Received:
    what's the asking price
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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