Selling Asia Account Level 61, Interested parties can text/whatsapp me at 96975452 Highlights of account 1) 38 Lubu, 40 Wukong, 38 Ace, 30 Teo (Incoming) 2) 38 Dellons, 32 Eileen, 30 Spike, 30 Rachel, 34 Ruby, 34 Kris 3) 40 DeadRose, 30 Giparang, 40 Lucy, 40 Guan Yu, 40 Yuri etc and many more. 4) Tons of 7 Knights Equipments +5, tons of gems, bit of accessories. Tons of elements, 5 x Transcend Fina, 1 x Leah 5) 11m gold, monthly ruby ongoing, 1500 rubies, 2000keys Interested parties please drop me a offer, will be selling at a reasonable price. Grab it while it's available!