[HEBARN] Lvl 211 Knight Full ref (9) - Full gems [7] -200m on it - + Other high level chars on the account. Leave your msn [email protected] ***************************************************** ... add me asap ***************************************************** wow you must be fkn stupid to revive a thread thats 5 months old... I sell my iRosePH account! 255 Raider, 200m on it. Full donate, Amethyst 7 in the clothes and Amethyst 9 in socket and peridot 9 in weapon. All refined to 9. Add my messenger more information. I have all information so you can change pw if you buy it. ***************************************************** ziMx dont hijack people thread...make your own thread....might be 5 months but could be still have not been sold =] maybe I GIVE U A WORLD OF WARCRAFT ACCOUNT LVL 83 DRUID DUAL SPEC [FERAL COMBAT AND BALANCE] FULLY GEARED WITH CATACLYSM LVLING GEAR !!!!! GOOD OFFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EMAIL: ***************************************************** ASAP !!!!!!! mod please closed this topic thanks