Sold Selling (Artoria + Waver + Sakura) and (Artoria + Altera + 2x Kaleido)

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Saito197, 7/14/17.

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  1. Saito197

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    Acc 1: Artoria + Altera + 2x Tama + 2x Kaleidoscope (OP aoe combo for material farming)


    Acc 2: Artoria + Waver + Sakura CE + Sumanai, Liz and Herc (who doesn't like Waver the OP support, and Sakura can help you fully charge Artoria's NP right at first turn)


    Both are just pass Fuyuki because I was hunting for Salter, free 4* tix unused.

    Taking Paypal, either you go first or we'll have a middleman I have sold a couple of high priced account like these and have a trade preference here fyi.
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