Selling Selling Aries Account + Mesos/DP

Discussion in 'Maplestory Private Server Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by waduhek, 3/14/19.

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  1. waduhek

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    Selling my account (Clean) + the mesos/DP on it.
    1. I am willing to sell the account, mesos, and dp together
    2. I am willing to sell the mesos and DP separately from the account as I have someone interested in the clean account already.

    Account details
    - maxed nodes
    - finished links
    - 6000+ legion
    - arc 1000+
    - has rare nx worth over 1.5t

    Mesos 1t+ worth
    $0.4 USD/ bil I will cover tax.

    DP 10k +
    $4 USD/ 1k

    PM me on discord if you have more questions or want to offer me @waduhek#0493...
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