Sold [Selling] Aransu 3 // VT Geared // Warlock + Gunslinger // 5 Character with VT badge

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by srch07, 7/1/18.

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  1. srch07

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    Selling my Account, Single owner since the beginning.
    Played the games for almost 2 Years And it's time to move to Other game.
    Email Never Changed, Email / PIN Change available

    Warlock HM13, Gunslinger HM12, Force Master HM12, Summoner HM 12, Blade Master HM 11, Soul Fighter HM 11 and KFM HM 10
    All characters have separate / individual gems and account has few Octa and Hepta gems.

    WL and Gunner - AP 1185 (with Octa diamond and Hepta Aquamarine) with VT badge and 5 set soul shields.
    Forcemaster, Blademaster & Summoner - AP 1100 (with Octa diamond and Hepta Aquamarine)
    Soulfighter & KFM - AP 1050+ (with Octa diamond, Octa Garnet and Hepta Aquamarine)

    All characters have pet 6 or above, and have achievement from VT.
    Warlock, Gunner, Blademaster, kfm and Soulfighter have VT badges.

    MANY MANY Materials, like on prints.

    Aransu 3, Soul Shield, VT Badge, Neck (in storage, can link if needed), Legendary badge, Cosmic soul.

    Aransu 3, Soul Shield, VT Badge, Ascendance 3, Legendary Badge, Awakened Cosmic soul 3, King Gloves, Both set of BT acc.

    Raven 3, Awakened Hongmoon Soul, Soul Shields, VT Badge

    Raven 1, Awakened Hongmoon Soul, Soul Shields, VT Badge, Both set of BT acc

    Dawnforged 3, Awakened Hongmoon Soul, soul shields

    Dawnforged 3, soul shields, Both set of BT acc, Earth vt necklace

    Raven 1, Awakened Hongmoon Soul, VT Badge, soul shields

    All Infos of my Account Chars you can find here :

    Gunner : Screenshot 180702 000 —
    Warlock : Screenshot 180702 001 —
    Blademaster : BladeMaster —
    Soulfighter : Soul fighter —
    Forcemaster : Force master —
    Summoner :
    KFM :

    Contact me on
    Discord : tooth#3766
    Skype : srch07
    Email : reach.abhishek.anand[at]

    Price : $900 + 50$ (for 5k gold on account)
    Payment accepted : Bitcoin, Litecoin, Paypal
    If you don't want gold, i can take it out.

    References :
    PM me on discord, I own a discord with 300+ people who can vouch for me

    If you see gear little lower than what i mentioned, don't panic am just lazy to update screenshot, gear is what I wrote.
    #1 srch07, 7/1/18
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/16/18
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