The accounts achievements are shown on the image. It's got the following classes. Alpha Pirate (Rank 10) Barber (Rank 10) BeastMaster (Rank 5) Chaotic Slayer Mystic (Rank 8) ChronoCommander (Rank 5) Darkside (Rank 10) Defender (Rank 10) DoomKnight (Rank 8) Evolved ClawSuit 11 (Rank 5) Guardian (Rank 10) Healer (Rare) (Rank 10) Lycan (Rank 5) Master Ranger (Rank 1) Naval Commander (Rank 5) Necromancer (Rank 1) No Class (Rank 1) SkyGuard Grenadier (Rank 3) Vindicator Of They (Rank 10) Warrior (Rare) (Rank 10). Has the following navals Doomknight, Brilliant, Archfeind and Legion Naval Commander. Alpha DOOMega (Rank 3) Artifact Hunter (Rank 5) Blood Ancient (Rank 2) Chaos Shaper (Rank 5) Dark Legendary Hero (Rank 1) Evolved Leprechaun (Rank 10) Legendary Hero (Rank 1) MechaJouster (Rank 1) Oracle (Rank 1) Sentinel (Rank 1) Has TONS of AC items BTW #JustSayin' Including pets useful for legion farming such as ascended paragon pet, legion soulseeker sword and a sword known as the infernal caladbolg Has 71 Inv space and 3 Bank space 602,901 Gold and 25 Acs Also has rare legion items such as Fenrir Legion Armor, DeathRider Bike and more. (also has bank house item.) If you're not happy with the asking price i'm willing to accept offers if they're decent. (that's £150.00 BTW)
I have seen accounts with old school naval gear navals and vot go less than that you should lower it to atleast 80.
Screw this i'm selling this at $80.00 Lowest :| Don't play AQW anyway xD (as mentioned on other AQW one)