Sold Selling AQW account $30 / Many rares, and BLoD!...

Discussion in 'Tree of Savior Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rob Bradford, 9/8/15.

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  1. Rob Bradford

    Rob Bradford
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    Selling AQW account $30 / Many rares, and BLoD! Hi, I'm selling my AQW account for $30. Reputation stats: Rank 10 Arcangrove Rank 10 Sandsea Rank 10 Blade of Awe Rank 10 Lycan Rank 10 Chaos Rank 10 Ravenloss Rank 10 Doomwood Rank 10 Swordhaven Rank 10 Troll Current class stats: Alpha Omega Rank 10 Dragon Knight Rank 10 Oracle Rank 10 Ultra Elemental Warrior Rank 10 Undead Goat Rank 10 I am hoping to sell this account fast for $30. Add me on skype: UpperAQW Screenshots of bank, character, etc.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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