Selling Selling APB: Reloaded Account [3 Character Slots] [2 Used] for $100+ Steam Gift Cards

Discussion in 'All Points Bulletin Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/30/15.

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  1. Games

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    I am willing to sell my APB: Reloaded account for Steam Gift Cards. I used to play a lot and am not enjoying the feel of the game anymore as much as I used to. I've had many fun times on it, which is why I spent so much on it, and I feel like I should give it to someone else; to give them the fun. I am genuine and am only here to make an offer/sell. This is my first time selling something through this website, but I can assure you that I am honest and trustworthy. The account details will be listed below:

    Email: (will be given when purchased)

    Server: HAN (Hong Kong)

    Spent G1C: 18,172 ($230!)a

    Available G1C: 428


    -Agrotech VAS R-2 'Sword' (Account Lifetime)

    -N-HVR 243 SD PR2 (Account Lifetime)

    -APB Premium 15 Day Credit Counter

    -APB Premium 15 Day Credit Counter

    (I suggest that you redeem the premium when needed, not straight away)

    Character slots: 3 (2 used):

    Character #1: Tinytombomb - Enforcer [Silver] - Rank 98


    -Nulander Pioneer (Kitted - No Slot)

    -Nulander Kurai NKA-54 (Kitted - 4 Slot)

    -Patriot Vegas G24 (Kitted - 4 Slot) 135 Days Left (as of this post)

    -Racing Rhino Kit Vegas (Kitted - 1 Slot)

    -Nulander Pioneer (Kitted - No Slot)

    -Patriot V20 Pursuit Special 4A (Kitted - 4 Slot)

    Kits: (shown in purchase history picture)

    Weapons: (shown in picture - not all of them)

    Character #2: Tomalicious - Criminal [Silver] - Rank 39


    -Macchina Consenza FTV1 (4 Slot)

    -Charge Mikro (New Kitted - No Slot)

    -Macchina Consenza FTV1 (4 Slot)

    -Bishada Mako (Kitted - 4 Slot) (Green)

    -Bishada Mako (Kitted - 4 Slot) (Red)

    Kits: (shown in purchase history picture)

    Weapons: (shown in picture - not all of them)

    Character #3: (free slot)

    Yours to do whatever you want with it...


    - I have 'professional' (if that's what you want to call them) symbols on my 'Tinytombomb' character, which sell for 10k each. I made near half a million from them in a short period of time. That should be of some help.

    - If you do not like the current names for the characters, and wish to change them... I am willing to spend $10 to get your name changed (you will have control over that).

    This account will sell for around $100 worth of Steam Gift Cards (#)..

    If you are willing to buy this account from me, please contact me: [email protected] /* */

    Again... I am genuine and would like to sell this account soon.



    IMAGES can be requested





    - - - Updated - - -



    Please delete this post. I've realized that adding my name was a bad idea. Thanks
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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