Selling Selling apb account, enf x2 and crim x2 citadel lots of armas stuff! Cheap!!

Discussion in 'All Points Bulletin Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Iimits, 11/13/17.

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  1. Iimits

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    Hello guys.

    Normally I buy stuff here but this is my first time selling an account in here and don't think I will be doing so in the future.

    I am selling an apb account with one max rank enf and a low rank, 2 low ranks crims. (all chars are in citadel) I will try to give out as much details about each char.

    on this account I have
    enforcer-max rank (r255)

    All fonts and symbols bought in armas= (permanent in all accounts)

    joker CR-5= (permanent account) x2
    Colby M-1922 mk3= (permanent account)
    S-247 'Oblivion'= (permanent account)
    JG-1040 Tactical (2 slot)= (permanent account)
    NFAS-12 (no slot) =(permanent char) "only on max rank enf"
    OSCAR NFCP 3= (permanent account)
    S1-NA 'manic'= (permanent account)
    VAS SW2 'Saxon' PR3= (permanent char) "only on max enf"
    OCA-EW 626(no slot) = (permanent char) "only on max rank enf"
    S1-TIC 'Rapid'= (permanent account)
    Obeya SLR-762 'Spartan'= (permanent account)
    S1-FA 'Frenzy'= (permanent account)
    N-HVR 243-SD PR2= (permanent account)
    SG-21 'Strife'= (permanent account)
    AR-97 'Misery'= (permanent account)
    ATAC 424 "patroller"= (permanent account)
    H-9 'Curse'= (permanent account)
    Joker SR115 Carbine(one slot)=(permanent char) "only on max rank enf"
    VAS-R2 'Crown' NFCP 3= (permanent account)
    Joker CR-5 PR2= (permanent char) "only on max rank enf"
    OCA-EW 626 'Whisper' PR2= (permanent account)
    N-HVR 762 Dvah= (permanent account)
    PDW-57 'Stiletto'= (permanent account)
    VAS-R2 'Sword' NFCP 3= (permanent account)
    Obeya FBW- SD= (permanent account)
    R-2 'Harbinger' =(permanent account)
    Colby .45 AP= (permanent account)
    Obeya CAP40-C NFCP 2= (permanent account)
    VBR 'Temptress'= (permanent account)
    OCA-EW 626 NFCP3= (permanent char) "only in one of the low rank crims"
    N-TEC 5 Nol= (permanent char) x2 "only in one of the low rank crims"
    most weapons will have mods in them but got all the mods needed for each gun.


    "Defender" Cheaterde.. I mean Citadel = (permanent char) "only on max rank enf"
    Shadowstrike Interceptor= (permanent char) "only on max rank enf"
    Vegas G20-04 "Firebomb"= (permanent char) "only on max rank enf"
    Cisco JX04 "DevilDog"= (permanent char) "only on max rank enf"
    Seiyo Bighorn V4 with all the kits= (permanent account)
    Growl S4 with all kits expect for Growl mamba, Only one char has the Growl mamba kit is the low rank crim= (permanent account)
    Packer Vengador V141A4 with all kits= (permanent account)
    Patriot vegas G24= (permanent account)

    some cars will have car mods in them.


    I really cant be arsed stating all the clothing I have on all char but I can say the is too many!!
    mostly got all the clothing from armas and extra things like;
    fedora hat
    skateboard backpack
    high top boots
    top hat
    desert scarf
    double shoulder holster (male only)
    some char have also cool edgy themes bought on the players market place for atleast 600k ingame money

    3 of the char, the max rank and 2 low rank crims have marksman 10+ one of them crims char is marksman-rank 13 and pointman rank 11 and as for the other crim char is marksman- rank 12 and pointman rank 10
    and as for the other wep rank is about 6+.
    Max rank has marksman-rank 14
    pointman- rank 13
    rifleman-rank 13
    sniper is 10, the machine gunner is rank 8 and the gun slinger is rank 6 (completed)

    They are many other things not mentioned but will gladly answer any questions about this account. cheers.

    Am selling this account for at least £100+ but #.

    you can contact me on skype (injustice oshea) or here
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