Selling  Android  High End Selling AoC Account, 26.2m core, all heroes, 10k linari, VIP tier 12

Discussion in 'Art of Conquest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LeviathanAOC, 5/26/23.

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  1. LeviathanAOC

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    After playing this game for almost 5 years now I decided it is time to stop playing and with a heavy heart I decided to sell my Account.

    Account has full lvl 7 temple (Molten Cat Mount achieved), several hero skins, 2 legendary dragon abilities in the inventory (which is absolutely loaded with all sorts of chats and other items), some material for upgrades (potential, spirit beast) 4 months of patron remaining, lifetime patron, several 5 star spirit beasts, including a divine one, troop equipment is mostly 2-3 damage reduction per equipment, armory is set up with 99% capped damage reduction in mind (the most meta as it can be). The airship is fully upgraded and you have a metric ton of materials to work with and lvl 8 (max) exploration places for maximum gains.

    All resets are available so you can customize to your liking.

    AOC core edited.png

    Additional pictures of Dragon, Temple will be uploaded within a few days.

    Price is # and any questions you might have I will answer and if you are new to AOC I can give plenty of guidance.

    The account is currently in a very friendly international house and my contacts are a very helpful bunch and will no doubt help you and make the game enjoyable.

    Hoping to hear from a potential buyer,

    #1 LeviathanAOC, 5/26/23
    Last edited: 5/27/23
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