Selling Selling AO acc full of stuff , x2 TL5 twinks x7...

Discussion in 'Anarchy Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Olafs Gelzins, 5/1/15.

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  1. Olafs Gelzins

    Olafs Gelzins
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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    Selling AO acc full of stuff , x2 TL5 twinks x7 220 1/3 twinked for pvp 220/Ai30/Le 60+ NM - NT twinked alpha symb Combined Scout's 300QL +good items 220/Ai 30/Le 70 Trox - Shade Twinked alpha spirit set off/def Combined Commando's 300QL set + twink item , made for gagning + can swap to AS dealing max AS. 220/Ai30/Le 60+ Solitus Doc 50/50 pvp pvm alpha symb + expensive items 220/Ai30/Le 60+ Atrox Soldier 50/50 pvp pvm ofab set 300QL ACDC 220/Ai 28/Le 65+ Solitus Keeper 50/50 pvp pvm ofab set 219/AI29/Le 60+ Atrox Enfo pvp 300QL Combined Commando's set 211/Ai24/Le 50+ Atrox Engi TS Combined Officer's 224QL set 166/Ai24/Le max Opifex Trader twinked symb/gun/ Combined Sharpshooter's 224QL set 150/Ai21/Le max Atrox Soldier Twiink 215-220 cc set AS+FA max symb. 100+ agent in progres... Pm with offer - send a tell on FB or [email protected]
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  2. OP
    Olafs Gelzins

    Olafs Gelzins
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    +5Grace in GMI and 1-2Bil in credits
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  3. OP
    Ayman Ammar

    Ayman Ammar
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    Hey, i can do that purchase on $140
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  4. OP
    Olafs Gelzins

    Olafs Gelzins
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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    sold for 500Euro sry
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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