Sold Selling Anything Graphics (Shopify, Websites, Wallpapers, Twitter Headers, etc.)

Discussion in 'Shopify Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by General Forums &, 2/11/19.

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  1. General Forums &

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    I used to design a lot years back and decided that I should start selling again. I've had friends purchase stuff through me, and have been helping with Shopify's too. This thread is for anything graphics, it could be advertisements for your Shopify/Website, signature for the forum, desktop wallpaper, whatever.

    I don't have fixed prices at the moment, but if you're interested and in need of some work, just PM me or add my Discord: (Jay#7629)

    This thread isn't made to be nice but it's to showcase some past work to get an example of what I do.
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