Selling   Selling - any - OG Fortnite name - No Fake Letters

Discussion in 'Fortnite OG Usernames for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by EnvyousX, 8/27/18.

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  1. EnvyousX

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    Before going into detail, I am totally aware that this looks oddly suspicious and sounds like a scam. I am unable to completely make it look trustworthy due to the high amounts of scams that have been going since the release of Fortnite.

    The only thing that I can assure you of is that this is -NOT- a scam since I'm able to provide proof.

    Now that I've cleared these things up, here are some of the benefits of purchasing a name from me.

    - Crystal clear name.
    - No fake letters (greek, russian, etc.)
    - The font looks perfect.
    - There are no special characters involved.
    - You will NOT get banned or forced to change your name.

    - You're unable to search your account using fortnitetracker, fortnitemaster or any other fortnite stats tracker BUT you're able to check your stats in game.
    - You won't be able to get added by other people UNLESS you add them yourself (which in reality is a good thing, for example, you buy the name Ninja and trust me you do not want 50 friend requests every second).

    How does this process work? - Quite easily, but it involves trust.

    > Before reading any of this, make sure that you understand that if your account is verified (e-mail is verified) then I am unable to make any changes to your account except changing your name, therefore I am unable to change password <
    > This process is also done - LIVE - in front of the customer as I will be sharing my screen via discord <

    Questions & Answers:

    What names am I able to get? - Any name.
    Will my name look weird when it appears in the chat or kill feed? - No.
    Will I get in trouble for doing this? - No.
    How does this work? Is it a #? - No, it uses a bypass system, I can explain in details if you contact me privately.
    How much does it cost? - Prices vary on the rarity of the name but please do NOT contact me if you're not willing to pay a decent price.
    How do I contact you? - Use the information below:

    Contact me via:
    Discord - Envy#9761
    Twitter - @lolSimplyEm

    Thanks for your time.
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  2. PlayerUp

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