Selling any game on xbox store (any edition) for $25-35

Discussion in 'Xbox Live Accounts For Sale - Buy Sell XBOX Account' started by Avexys, 12/5/16.

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  1. Avexys

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    What we are offering are legal and genuine Digital Downloads, but sent in the form of an account. We purchase the games from distributors in cheaper regions. But by activating the code to an account, and selling the accounts, we are able to ‘import’ the games into regions where the games are usually more expensive, allowing us to pass on the massive # deals to our customers. We offer both Playstation 3 and 4 Accounts as well as Xbox One Accounts, so just have a browse and choose whatever you prefer to receive depending on what console you own!

    After purchase you receive access details (login and password + email access if needed) to an account as well as full guide on how to use it. After completing the very straight forward activation process you retain the purchased game indefinitely and our support team will be there to assist you with all the concerns you might have.As you can see, the games are no different than what you would receive by purchasing in retail store or PlayStation Store/Xbox Live Marketplace, of course except for the lower price!

    add jvonn.williams on skype
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    Paypal only
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