Sold Selling android / vip 9 / lvl 132 / 450k power / server 50-60

Discussion in 'Idle Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tsunnie, 7/16/17.

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  1. Tsunnie

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    Hello all,

    After three months of playing, I have decided to sell my account for a good offer. I'm not the top player of the server that i'm playing but am one of the tops.
    As the title says, my account is currently at VIP 9 and am not far from VIP 10 (35k gems away from it).

    My current list of high level heroes consists of:
    9* Asmodel (lvl 200)
    9* Miki (lvl 200)
    9* Dantalion (lvl 200)
    9* Norma (lvl 200)
    9* Bleecker (lvl 200)
    9* Blood Blade (lvl 200)
    9* Walter (lvl 200)
    9* Faceless (lvl 200)
    9* Demon Hunter (lvl 200)
    9* Dark Arthindol
    7* Karim (lvl 140)

    Furthermore I am able to make a 6* Flame Striker and another 6* Blood Blade.

    For guild tech:
    Warrior tree: Maxed
    Assassin tree: Maxed
    Mage tree: Maxed
    Ranger tree: Maxed
    Priest tree: 1/2 maxed.

    As for equipments:
    6 sets of 2* Orange set.
    Like 10 sets of 1* orange set. (You can use blacksmith to make it in 2* orange set)

    The monster that I use for battle is dragon. He is currently lvl 87 with maxed auras (30/30/30)

    PM me and make a good offer, and the account is yours ;-)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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