Selling Android account.

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Disengxge, 3/12/17.

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  1. Disengxge

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    Hello everyone :)

    My name is Dylan and i am trying to sell my KnD account since i havent played in ages and kinda spent too much money on it and trying to get a bit of the money i spent on it back.

    Here are some details!

    Level 163


    Kirin Vanguard+
    Tactician's Regalia+
    Angelic Battlemail+
    Bonesaw Carapace+

    Harlequin Roguegear
    Clockwork Metalguard
    Skeletal Screamplate

    I also got a epic ring and some other cool stuff :)

    Some of these armors i earned during my stay in a top 10 guild back in the days named Deez Nuts,

    I am looking to sell this account! Its a cool account to start off with since its not completely maxed yet! I am looking for around 100 Euros.

    Have a nice day and if you are interrested let me know!

    Discord: Disengxge or Disengxge#4375

    Email: [email protected]
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