Selling Selling Amazing Rainbow six siege Uplay account! With other games!!!

Discussion in 'Rainbow Six Siege Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Stratiz, 8/17/17.

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  1. Stratiz

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    This account features a level 97 Platinum ranked rainbow six siege account. It has been platinum 2 seasons in a row. It features many unique skins and a high KD And Win loss.

    Every operator is unlocked Apart from Jackal, Frost, Buck, Echo and Hibana. It does have 14k renown though, so you could easily save up and get the others) with nice charms and headgear + skins.

    This account also features the Ash Summer skin (worth 11250 renown) AND The Beta Fire skin which could only be achieved by playing the Beta of rainbow six siege.

    Also has the Safari Bundle (£3).

    NOT ONLY does this account feature rainbow six siege, but it ALSO features the following games:

    Far Cry 4

    Assasins Creed Unity

    Watch dogs

    And rainbow six siege techincal test server

    I am hoping for around £40 for the account. However we may potentially negotiate on Discord/Skype

    Discord : Heinz#0839
    Skype : TotallyNotSquid

    [COLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)][/COLOR]
    #1 Stratiz, 8/17/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/23/18
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