[Selling] Amazing HOTS account with all heroes + HS with 46 legendaries + other games + bonus!

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Poglia, 7/19/16.

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  1. Poglia

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    I've lost interest in Blizzard games so I'm selling my main Battle.Net account. It's a very old account created back in 2009 as soon as Battle.Net accounts were a thing. I'm the original owner and never, ever let anyone else play with it or violated the ToS in any way (no bots or hacks, no gold selling or buying, no power leveling, etc). Overall it's a great account and it contains all Blizzard games except Overwatch (I don't like FPSs). It's also very likely to be flagged for future Betas because I've always been invited to all Alphas and Betas on the very first waves.

    Check out the highlights for every game:


    - Account created during the very beginning of the Technical Alpha.
    - 54/54 heroes unlocked.
    - 52/54 heroes are level 5+ and available to play in Hero League.
    - Total hero level: 397.
    - 2135 games played.
    - Platinum 3 Hero League rank.
    - Rare/unobtainable portraits: Billie, Wonder Billie, Heroes of the Dorm 2015, Alpha, Beta, level 40 Alpha, level 40 Beta, Facebook., first week access, Anniversary, Storm Watcher, Spring Championship, Thrall Spring Championship, Summer Championship, Diablo Summer Championship, Golden Tiger, Hero League Rank 10-6, Moon Festival 2015, Moon Festival 2016, Treasure Goblin, Halloween Pumpkin, Legacy of the Void.
    - Rare/unobtainable mounts: Billie, Wonder Billie, Hell Billie, Hearthstone card back, Malthael's Charger, Elemental Wolf, Epic Elemental Wolf, Cloud9, Golden Tiger, Mechanical Spider.
    - Never been muted or banned.


    - Account created during the very beginning of the Beta.
    - 9/9 heroes are level 60.
    - 4/9 golden heroes (Warrior, Hunter, Druid, Warlock).
    - Almost all Standard cards, including 46 Legendaries (you can build any Legendary deck, even expensive ones like Control Warrior).
    - Golden Geblin Mekkatorque (rarest card in the game).
    - Card backs: all Seasons, Fireside Gathering, Naxx Heroic, BRM Heroic, LOE Heroic, HOTS, Galaxy, BRM preorder, TGT preorder, WOTG preorder, Christmas 2015.
    - All adventures unlocked and 100% completed (Normal, Heroic and Class Challenges).
    - 4310 Ranked wins.
    - 944 Arena wins.
    - Best Arena result: 12 wins.
    - 550 gold.
    - 405 Arcane Dust.
    - Pre-built Rogue Arena deck.

    (note: I'm still doing my daily quests so by the time you buy the account there will be even more wins, gold, Arcane Dust, and maybe another golden hero)


    - WoL campaign fully completed on Brutal and with all the Achievements except the Lost Vikings ones.
    - HotS and LotV campaigns fully completed on Normal with most of the Achievements.
    - All Nova mission packs pre-purchased, first one already completed.
    - 3150 games played.
    - 5440 Achievement points.
    - Highest rank: Master (team league).
    - 13 Feat of Strength Achievements.
    - Some unobtainable portraits.


    - 2 level 70 characters and some low level ones.
    - Paragon level 174.
    - 4380 Achievement points.
    - 8 Feats of Strength Achievements.
    - Some unobtainable banner patterns.


    (note: I played WoW from 2006 to 2013, the account is now frozen so I can't make a full list of what's inside, but I do remember having a level 90 Shaman with almost all reputations to Exalted, about 9000 Achievement points, and a bunch of Feats of Strength and rare or unobtainable mounts and pets)


    - StarCraft Anthology (base game + BroodWar).
    - Diablo II + Lord of Destruction.
    - Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos + The Frozen Throne.

    The price for the account is 350€, #. The Heroes of the Storm license alone is probably worth more than that because it has all the heroes and they are all level 5+ and ready to play in Ranked (except 2). Not to mention the Hearthstone account with almost all Standard cards to build any Legendary deck, plus the other games.

    If you are interested, wait a minute before sending me a PM and keep reading. Since this is a very good account with lots of cool stuffs for which I spent a lot of time and money, I'm not going to sell it to the first random buyer. You'll need to have decent rep here on this forum, so if you signed up just for this or are a leecher with only a couple of posts, don't even bother. I've also been scammed in the past so here's how the transaction will work: first I'll give you all the proof you need (screenshots, Teamviewer, and maybe even let you log in for a couple of minutes if you are a well known and trusted member), then you'll pay (with a PayPal verified account only, no exceptions), and then I'll give you all the details, including secret question/answer and my ID. I have a friend who works for the police, so don't even bother trying to scam me or fill a chargeback, because you'll be in trouble. If you are still interested, PM me and we'll have a chat through any IM you like.


    If you buy the account for the full price (350€) I will also give you:

    - A Steam account with lots of great games (Borderlands 1 + 2, Shadow of Mordor GOTY, Skyrim Legendary Edition, Dishonored, Torchlight 2, Dota 2 with about 700 hours played and 150 unique items, and many more... also most games come with all their DLCs).
    - An empty The Elder Scrolls Online account with the Imperial Edition and the Explorer's Pack DLC (I tried the game but didn't like it).
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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