Selling Amazing account|IOS| 5SF's 2Sf+|20+ DF's

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by IllusionsHD, 12/22/16.

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  1. IllusionsHD

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    Hello everyone. I'm selling my account because I have lost interest and am trying to quit. The only way to do so is if I dot have an account. I built this up from scratch and invested lots so I DO NOT want Low ballers please.

    Now let's get right to what's important:
    i have 7 SF's
    2x Sylvannus+
    1x Clepsydra Eternal (With set)
    1x Aeolian (1 piece off +)
    1x Meditor Montem
    1x Horrific Bonemail
    Now for DF's
    I have 28 DF's
    1x Calvisius Harmonia+ (With set)
    2x Calvisius Harmonia (with set for 1)
    1x Warden Heatmail+
    1x Astral Array
    1x Lunar Phaseplate+
    1x Spectral Vanguard (with set)
    1x Jadewing Platemail
    1x Siege Artillary
    1x Ancient Frondmail (with set)
    1x Heroic Petalgear+
    1x Vaporous Scalemail
    1x Arcane Invocation (with set)
    1x Soulbound Scalemail (with set)
    1x Excavator's Cuirass
    1x Carnivorous Battlehide+
    2x Florrid Array
    1x Erinyes Fury
    1x Unearthly Cowl (with set)
    1x Witch Doctor's Wargear
    1x Bushido Battlegear
    1x Eye Of Tiamat
    1x Asguardian Wargear+
    2x Asguardian Wargear
    1x Foresaken Firesheath
    1x Darkscale Battlegear

    There is a lot here and it is a great account. I DO NOT GO FIRST. I MAY CONSIDER A MIDDLEMAN THOUGH!

    if you're interested here's how to contact me:
    email:[email protected]
    line: IllusionsHD
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