SeLLing Account Steam Wich contains an HEX account . GOT : x4 (set7) paacks / many randomly set chests ( 30 Rares / 54 uncommon / 80 Common ) + " 649 Platins + 14200 Golds " and LeveL 25 in BATLLEGROUNDS Different dusts ( 1 Legendary / 10 Rares / 9 Uncommon / 25 Common )-- + then 7000 Cards different sets different Rarity ;-QQ For the colletction This is My Link ==>!/cards/collection=27560 And i got A deck which You can Reach easy cosmic With .. Screen " ==> "( ) + ( ) +BONUS : --->! This steam account Contains Many games like " CS GO " / " Rocket League " / " Dirt 3 " / " Paladins " + secondary games ^^ For CS go : Grade : Nova 1 + 246Competitif Wins + So much skins OP ( You can check My steam profile ) for checking my steam account Link ====> For rocket league 2skin Of Cars " BatmobiL + Marauder " / Level 32 Grade Veteran # Price i can help you just Wishper me , thank you ^^ i accept only paypal payement as a gift from friends and family (this way you don't have to pay any fee)please .. Thx ^^ ( i can send you first ." i have no problem For this )