Sold Selling All class leveled, 3x Anima Lux, stormblood ready

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Infiru, 5/8/17.

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  1. Infiru

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    Testing the water here to see what kind of offer I will get so I will keep it brief. Am selling an EU account that's on NA.

    -Main: Monk,Bard,Machinist (All have complete i275 Anima Lux and i270 gears)
    -Other jobs: all i260 or close to i270 except for blm and smn (I will farm up some savage pages if I have time this week)
    -Crafter: i190 avg (HQ crafter sets)
    -DoH: enough gear to farm anything consistently
    -Retainer full of mats and other useful stuff
    -41 mounts & 141 minions
    -All raids cleared and all beast tribe maxed
    -Approx 8 million gils
    -Veteran Rewards rank 13
    -7595 Achievement Points
    -31 days of subscription left
    -Account is clean, no warning of any kind and never associate with illegal tools

    Pretty sure am missing some other stuff so any question feel free to ask. PM me offers!

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