Selling Selling all 3 of my SWFC Accounts (Line ID:...

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gary Beach, 10/6/15.

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  1. Gary Beach

    Gary Beach
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    Selling all 3 of my SWFC Accounts (Line ID: DarthNinja135) Level 86 LS Locked Name "Padawan Learner" 9mil+ Credits 10k+ AP Locked 5* Yoda GM Base Leia Sniper Base Vader / Palp Base (Anniversary Trade able 5* 2x 4/7 Yoda RG skill 40 4/7 Shaak Ti skill 40 2x 4/7 Chewie HOK Skill 40 2x 4/7 Old Chewie 4/7 Old Han 2x Kit Fisto Skill40 8/15 Anakin TCO 2x Base old JJB 2x Base Padme Saw Base Saber Yoda 8/15 C-3po & R2-D2 (May 4th) 3x Gold Evo1 R2-D2 Base Jango Fett TOW Base Appo Base Old Vader 3x Base Vader/Palp (anniversary) 8/15 Vader Palp (Anniversary) Skill40 Cards: 8/15 4* Orrimaarko 2x 3* 4/7 Bail 8/15 4* Darth Sidious 8/15 4* Dooku 8/15 4* Leia Organa (Slave) 8/15 4* SCP 4/7 4* Jan Dodanna 4/7 4* Ki-Adi-Mundi 8/15 3* Leia Organa 8/15 4* Luke Skywalker (X-Wing) 4/7 4* Lando Notable 3/4*'s 8/15 R2-D2 Skill23 4/7 Luke (X-Wing) skill1 8/15 3* Boba Fett (Childhood) skill1 2x 4* 8/15 Gen. Cracken Skill1 8/15 4* Han Solo (BoB) Skill1 Gold Evo2 4* Han Solo (BoB) Gold Evo1 4* Han Solo (BoB) 8/15 4* General Grievous 8/15 Aurra Sing 3x 8/15 4* Master Yoda Skill1 4/7 4* Cin Drallig skill1 Gold Evo2 4* Cin Drallig skill1 Gold Evo1 4* Cin Drallig skill1 8/15 3* Dak 4x 8/15 4* Barriss Healer 2x 8/15 4* Han Solo 2x 8/15 4* Cpt. Panaka Sniper 8/15 4* Dath Vader (Death Star) 2x 8/15 4* Leia Organo (Endor Celebration) 8/15 3* Ten Numb 8/15 3* Nien Nunb 2x 4/7 4* Tie Fighter Pilots Gold Evo2 4* CC Wolfe
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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