Selling Selling Alexina : Elf 12k total / 3k exploration (High End Gears) Items/Pets

Discussion in 'Mabinogi Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Xerxiol, 12/4/16.

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  1. Xerxiol

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    I've been busy with work lately and found myself having not enough time to play anymore, so I've decided to sell my account instead of letting it gather dust unused.

    Basic Summary :

    1700ap Left.

    Most talents are mastered.

    High End Gears ex. Bhafel Bow r6 elemental 6, Huntress arrow. (Magnum 20, crash shot 17 on a single glove +accessories / Dowras Dual Gun 20, Shooting Rush 20) just to name a few.

    Over 20 pets.

    Clothings are nice.


    Deal will be done with Paypal.
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  2. Mayur Balsara

    Mayur Balsara
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