Selling Selling Alexina Account

Discussion in 'Mabinogi Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kashiin, 11/30/16.

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  1. Kashiin

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    Selling an account for the Alexina Server.
    It has 18 pets, and a partner. A bunch of outfits in the dressing room.
    Main character is 1.7k+, with a few other characters in it that are decently leveled.
    Banks are full of stuff, like a bunch of training potions for Ninja, Fighter, Life, etc. 6 or 7 bags, including doll bags.
    Mastered a few skills and close to mastering Fighter, and Warrior. Alchemy is pretty high up as well was working on Ninja.
    Big homestead with a ton of ornaments and figures in it. Has 3 step Champion Knucks and a lot of other weapons, including beam swords, celtic staff, shurikens, etc. Few totems and a max damage 15 totem. Got the alchemy and druid's mark for 50% more exp in those skills. And more included, this list is long enough.

    Not sure on a price yet, I moved onto a different nexon game so may take NX as well...

    I say this account sure is worth it.
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  2. HarrisVu

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    still for sale?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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