Anyone interested in buying my nexon account(Specifically, Mabinogi stuff.) I have 18 pets including a butler partner. The pets are all of the following: Yellow Cub Tiger; Fox; Red Bear; Shire Horse; White Jindo; Wooden Mimic; Christmas Alpaca; Clover Pig; Lime Sprite; Black Unicorn; Cosmic Stallion; Astral Cosmic Stallion; Coach Pengiun; Polar Bear; Nine Tails Fox; Storm Cloud. The character is pretty much worthless but maybe you'll find use in the amount of bags it has. ... The price is $40 and If you're interested, my email is [email protected]. use paypal to send to me the $40 and I'll switch the password and the email to your liking. (Note: You'll have to delete the friends since Mabinogi hasn't been working for me so I couldn't delete them myself.) (If you don't trust me just change the password and email when you log in.)