Selling Selling Alexina 7.2k Human account

Discussion in 'Mabinogi Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FBUser2719, 9/25/17.

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  1. FBUser2719

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    Auto win is 1k USD via PayPal, will consider reasonable offers.

    Main is a 7.2k Human, master of 8 talents, grand master gunslinger. 2,884 AP to spend, if you reset AP, you will get about 12k. This character has completed G1-G3, G9-G11, G13-G16, G19, and both sagas. Sadora has a Level 12 homestead, with plenty of herb patches. Infra Black, all rank 1 transformation skills and demi god skills. Here are her stats:


    I also have 2 other characters that I have worked on some, a giant female, Elektra (Close combat based) and another human female, Cinderhella (puppetry based).


    The account has 3 other characters, but they don't have much work on them. There are also 4 more character cards.

    The account has 33 pets, a maid, and a commerce partner.

    Here are a few valuable items on the account:
    Hebona Robe: 2 Ice, 3 Fire
    Alpaca Robe, Elephant, 1.3m Ducats
    Hermit Staff: S6 Blue, unlocked, m atk 107
    Celtic Guardian Staff: Rank 2, 3 line, m atk 15
    Taunes MK3: Recruit's Automatic, s6 blue upped, dmg 30 - 121, Rank 1, 3 line
    Dark Knight Armor (F): Vine Dexterity helm, Basic Avenger armor, Fleet Elegant boots

    Message with any other specific questions!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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